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tAtB tCtD tEtF tGtH tItJ tKtL tMtN tOtP tQtR tStT tUtV tWtX tYtZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
it INDO tec 9
o'tec 19
tech GURUKUL +hat 38
tech KIDZ 16
tech MAHINDRA 9, 16, 35, 38, 41, 42
tech check RELIANCE +circle 16, 38
tech plus india 20, 37
tech-age +oval 12
A asia tech +circle & oval 42
AIR tech +oval 28
AJAY SHAKTI hi-tech 7
ALFA tech +circle 9
APPAREL worldnet tech +glob 9
AQUAGUARD ro-tech 9, 11, 21, 37
ASHWANI royal ultra hi-tech 19
ASTRAL leader in pvc tech. 17
AT agro tech's +oval 35
B.B. tech +arrows 12
BLUE-tech BT +lightning 11
BOSTON scientific medi-tech 10
BT BORA agri tech +plant 30
BUIL tech groups 37
CF hi-tech +squares & oval 6
CHT tech 12
COVER-tech 6
CRYSTAL aqua tech +ovals 11
D.H. ultra-tech 9
DCF hi-tech cattle feed 31
DENTELLECT tech elements 9, 10, 42
DISH tech 9
DJ-tech 9
DRS roof-tech infrastructur 37
E HT hi-tech +cogwheel 7
EAC hi-tech +squares 12
EEE tech 38
EG ENVIRO GOLD bio-tech 3
EMERALD info tech +squares 42
ENDURA hi-tech 7
EVER tech 25
EVEREST hi-tech +hut 19
EVO tech 7, 11
F tech tool +hand tools 8
F&B-tech TRIPLE EXPO 96 16
FIRE tech indian 16
FLORIDA cable tech 9
FLOWIN super-tech 5
FOM tech 9
FOX MANDAL information tech 35
FT future tech +circle 9
FU-tech 7
G-tech 12
GCC hi-tech durgapur 19
GCC hi-tech portland slag 19
GCC super hi-tech portland 19
GCC ultra hi-tech CONCRETO 19
GNS tech solutions +ovals 42
GO-tech 7
GT gold tech 40
H hi-tech +globe 7
H hi-tech capacitor 9
H hi-tech doors 20
H high tech industrial hose 17
HAB tech 9
HC-tech 4
HI-tech +oval 19
HMDPL hi-tech +oval 10
HT hi-tech 7, 12
HT hi-tech +square 25
HTAI hi-tech 12
HTAM hi-tech 19
HTI hi-tech +triangle 12
HTP hi-tech pharma +cross 5
HUSH tech +man 10
ICFAI tech alumini society 9, 16
IM TEK KUNNATH imaging tech 35
INFINITY call tech 41
INSTRUMENT tech 97 16
IS hi-tech education 41
KASA hi-tech reliability 6
KIN-tech 9
KIRIN food-tech 1, 30
KOOL tech india 37
KOOL-tech 12
KOTAK info tech 9
L&T LOME & tech +squares 37
LAKHANI-hi-tech 7
LANSON bio tech +circles 42
LAWRENCE power tech 9
LEHRA fuel tech (p) ltd. 2, 7, 8, 11, 17, 31, 33, 34, 36, 38, 42, 43
LIXMA tech 11
LOGIC tech 9
M tech +circle 9
M f&b-tech triple expo 96 30, 33
M-tech 17
MASAND supreme hi-tech M3 7
MATCH-tech 2, 16
MCI high-tech +tower 9
META tech 12
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